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Great Conversations Make
Happy Customers

Customers have a greater number of choices today - more complex choices, channels, & even touch points. We understand how hard it can be to meet customer expectations. That’s why we built Conversational AI Solutions for your industry to help customers find the right information at the right time through a channel of their choice.


Our mission is to create chatbots able to disrupt the current situation and provide even faster processing, faster answers, faster and smarter results that enables lasting relations between businesses and their consumers


We help you better understand your customer, business and market in the digital sphere with the power of intuitive intelligence and seamless automation.

Who we are and how we do things


We exist to grow our customer’s business

Raise standards

Always curious to know more, and hungry to better our best performance

Simple is beautiful

Work hard to make our products simple and a delight to use

Nurture talent

Embrace diversity of people and ideas; respect and rely on each other

Work fast to completion

Be nimble-footed, execute fast, do it well, and stay focused till it’s done


Own the cause, take responsibility for decisions and actions

Scale customer support

AI platform is created to keep up with the always-changing customer demands to deliver quick, personalised support in a language and channel of their choice, at scale.

Leverage the power of AI

In a world driven by technology, companies are running at full speed to stay adaptive and reactive. In order to compete globally, it is now time to leverage the power of emerging technologies to their fullest potential, especially artificial intelligence (AI).

Get the best customer experience

24/7 AI-driven customer care to resolve all your customer queries instantly. Timely updates, real-time support, usage guides, tips, FAQs and more.

Out-of-the-box Channels & Integrations

Drive personalized & consistent conversations across channels that your customers use every day. Use powerful out-of-the-box integrations to unify all your customer experience tools together & provide elevated customer experience end-to-end.

Trusted by 100+ businesses

Want to know more about Witter

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