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Enrich & Elevate Employee Delight

Easy, instant and highly contextual day-to-day employee interactions enabled by Conversational AI.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter


Employee queries self-served


Increase in Employee Productivity


Improved ESAT

Attract, engage & retainyour newcomers

While you focus on building the right culture for your people, our platform supports you by performing transactional tasks including sending targeted ads to potential candidates, answering FAQs on the application process.

Automate the end-to-end onboarding for new joinees right from document submission, and background check, to dispatching welcome kit in a few clicks.

Easy & instant access to key information including induction schedules, organization policies, FAQs, organization mapping and 1:1 guidance available right from day 1!

Build employee delight throughout their tenure

Get real-time insights into agent availability, MTTR, query volumes, bot accuracy, self-service adoption, employee satisfaction rates, and more.

Let the Dynamic AI agents address all the routine employee queries/requests, thereby freeing up the HR bandwidth to focus on high-value activities.

Highly contextualised and personalized conversations enabled by the Dynamic AI agents programmed to gain a better understanding of employee intent, thereby enriching employee experience.

Dive into the voice of employees & know your organization’s pulse

Move beyond just annual surveys, our dynamic AI agents with multi-lingual NLU capabilities make feedback engaging and dynamic in employees’ preferred language to capture the sentiment.

Deep integrations with your performance management and L&D tools allows you to perform skill-gap analysis and build a 360 growth trajectory for your employees with personalized recommendations.

Not all engagements can be automated and can only be looked after by you and your team. Our platform seamlessly enables human hand off at the right time for critical requests building moments of trust.

Never let another employee be left unsatisfied. Close the information loop by providing access to dashboards showcasing the frequency of queries asked type of queries unanswered and employee sentiment.

Unlock your workforce potential withDynamic AI agents

Built on top of your existing enterprise stack, provide one-stop access to everything an employee needs instantly and on-demand with our AI-powered platform enhancing the total employee experience and dramatically improving productivity.

Want to know more about Witter


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