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Simplify complex workflows with chatbot integrations to your favourite applications.

Bring your enterprise apps together with our bot integrations using our chatbot API.

Plug-and-play to drive greater efficiency

Simple solutions for organizations pressed for time. Witter moves information between your third-party applications seamlessly, so you can focus on what matters most - your customers’ experiences.

Another step towards breaking informational silos

With a robust, flexible integration platform, you can easily integrate data flowing from multiple sources, whether it’s on-premise or on the cloud.

The key to one-stop service

Witter acts as an invisible layer between agents and customers, relaying information in real-time from your favorite applications to the platform. Using our ticketing and CRM integrations and create tickets, manage leads, and add data in minutes, not days.

Reduce abandonment

By the time you arrive at a solution after jumping between applications, your customers would have bounced off to another application. Curb the bounce rate with simple integrations.

Want to know more about Witter


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