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The conversational AI-based Education chatbot, helps intelligently engage with your candidates throughout their admission journey. Built with evolving Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology and robust Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The turnaround time from when an enquiry is raised until when a counsellor connects with the applicant for the first time is a major factor in their decision-making process. It is simply not possible for any institution to connect with all their leads in real time, especially after working hours or on holidays. Delayed, impersonal responses lead to applicants losing interest and poorly impact your enrolments.

Chatbots For Educational Institutions


to engage
students world-over


Reduction in manual human intervention and redundancies


Increase in revenues with automated admission processes


Students prefer to use chatbots to resolve

Wider Reach to Students Admissions

  • Automate query responses and nurture students 24/7/365 through multimedia formats.
  • Provide a delightful counselling experience with a human touch-Pre-built conversation flows like, courses detail, registrations and documentations.

24/7 Student Support

  • Request for live sessions between teachers and students to solve complex queries.
  • Assistance on repetitive queries related to courses, fees, admissions, scholarships and more with personalization

Intelligent Feedback

  • Excellent way to gather a 360-degree feedback
  • Feedback about teachers, teaching and experience, and explain their claims.
  • Helps effective collaboration between faculty, staff, and students

Counsellors Can Collaborate Online Using Shared Team Inbox

Provide prospective students counselling to choose between courses and answer complex queries. Counsellors can have a 360-degree view of student conversations and can connect students with respective academic experts by assigning / @mentions in our unified shared team inbox.

Trusted by 100+ businesses

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