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Explore the power, of Unified Retail

Get ready to wow your customers by creating an online & in-store environment that consumers not only want, but rely on. Discover the capabilities of NewCloud solutions that optimize the shift to digital and accelerate your Digital Transformation.

Trusted by 100+ businesses

How Chatbots Help Real Estate Companies

2x Increase in prospective

2x Increase in assistance to
facilitate buying, selling and
renting properties

2x Increase in real-time query
resolution by bots.

How can Witter grow your E-commerce business?

Shorten the overall sales cycle

Use the eCommerce chatbot to narrow the gap between awareness and purchase with highly-personalized product recommendations and engagements that convert visitors into paying customers

Share notifications for order updates, payments, returns & refunds

Automate your post-purchase processes with the eCommerce chatbot. You can use WhatsApp message templates to share these updates

Showcase & sell your products directly on WhatsApp

Deliver an end-to-end shopping experience allowing the customers to check your products on WhatsApp, add them to the cart, & receive payments directly on WhatsApp

Run targeted marketing campaigns and generate better leads

Use the e-commerce chatbots to run full-fledged marketing campaigns across various channels. Use Conversational AI to target and engage with customers with personalization.

How LivSpace skyrockets customer
satisfaction by 45%

LivSpace, a trusted platform for home interior design and renovation for thousands of homeowners.


LivSpace was looking for ways to engage and retain customers quickly to provide a more enriching experience.


With millions of followers across channels, LivSpace found it diicult to scale engagement across channels.


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