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Boost Customer Engagement with Conversational AI

Engage with your customers anytime, anywhere, across channels and in multiple languages, with complete journey control and campaign automation. Let us help you boost revenue using impactful customer engagement.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter


Increase in


Higher lead


Increase in productivity


Business impact created yearly

Qualify, nurture, close, up-sell

It’s total engagement automation

Identify and qualify the most relevant leads and nurture their interest through bot prompts, in real-time

Right time, right place. That’s what matters when upselling and cross-selling. Our smart sentiment – recognition engine pitches precisely at the peak-interest point for best up-selling results.

Tap into the power of targeted rewards, promotions and discounts with our conversational AI-driven engagement. Boost your customer relations and loyalty programs to drive sales and repeat purchases.

Engage with your customers

anytime, anywhere – across languages

Your global audience can come knocking anytime. Be ready to engage them via our voice and text AI-powered virtual assistants, expertly guiding them through the most-apt workflows. It’s truly 24x7x365

“Customers don’t know what they want until you show them” – Steve Jobs. Engage with your customers proactively on their preferred medium, be it over voice call, WhatsApp, Facebook, in-app or on-website from a single platform.

Improve your conversions and sales revenue with intent-triggered conversations. Our voice and text virtual assistants power your account-based marketing (ABM) and campaigns to greater heights.

Intuitive, AI – driven customer engagement
for positive marketing automation

Our industry-leading NLP engine performs perfect persona-recognition, fine-tuned nurturing, and intelligent qualifications for progressive customer engagement. This will help shorten lead-times and boost revenue per sales member. Up-scale your marketing now, with our conversational voice and text AI.

Want to know more about Witter


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