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The next big thing, chatbots for Instagram

Increase & convert your followers into brand loyalists by automating Instagram direct messages and comments with Witter’s Instagram Chatbots

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter

Why you need Instagram automation for your business?


People use Instagram everyday


of users make purchase decisions over the app


of users, use instagram to research products


Users tap on shopping posts every month

How Witter’s Instagram chatbots can help you

Engage & grow your followers

Respond to every user comment by sending automated replies based on the post context

Never miss out on a DM!

Use chatbots to automate DM replies and answer complex queries with live Chat

Leverage Instagram automation to engage & grow your brand

No DMs missed!
Run active contests and promotions
Connect and collaborate

AI chatbot pricing FAQs

Yes, Instagram allows automation over DM. Witter offers chatbots for Instagram that can handle all your customer conversations, replying to comments on your posts, responding to story replies and mentions, etc.

You can use a chatbot platform like Witter to build your chatbot on Instagram. You will need a Facebook business account for verification and Instagram can be added as one of the channels for your chatbot.

Instagram chatbots help businesses to generate more leads, increase user engagement, and drive conversations with leads that convert.

Yes, you can automate the replies to Instagram DMs using a chatbot platform like Witter. Customers can also trigger live chat for having real-time conversations with the brands.

You can automate replies to all your Instagram DMs, also giving the option to trigger live chat for having conversations with your customers. Witter’s chatbot platform will help you with Instagram automation.


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