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Fintech are disruptive by nature. Services are going through a rapid digital evolution to keep up with the needs of digital-native consumers. You can provide all your services on the channels your customers utilize, including lending services, digital currencies, e-wallets, and personal finance.

Benefits Of Using
Banking Chatbots

30% Increase In Document Collection

65% Of Users Prefer Online Query Resolutions

50% Reduction In Manual Agent Effort

How Banking Chatbots Are Changing The Financial Industry

Insights &
Financial Advice

Financial Advice

Secure Payments
with Integration

Send Upcoming

Routine task automation

  • Easy communicate with your clients, introduce your service to them, answer their questions, receive complaints, and give personalized advice.
  • Reduce human work on substantial issues.

Improve customer experience

  • Quick response to queries – (brief and to the point.)
  • Round-the-clock availability.

Strengthened Security

  • Authentication systems, including fingerprint or face recognition, provide a high user data protection level.
  • Encrypted chats also ensure there will be no accidental data leak.

Broadcast Via WhatsApp Banking Bots to Targeted Customer Segments

Create advanced customer segments through tagging/labelling of contacts via Witter tool to broadcast customer-specific services and products.

Trusted by 100+ businesses

Want to know more about Witter


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