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Automate & Personalize Customer Support

Don’t keep your customers waiting for a resolution. With an AI-chatbot, resolve queries, on-demand, round the clock, in any language, across text and voice. Self-serve 70% queries and seamlessly loop in live agents when needed. The best of both worlds, literally.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter


Increase in CSAT


Self-serve FAQs


Reduction in operational cost

Turn your customer’s frown upside down

Our conversational AI platform tracks customer trends and analyzes sentiments to truly understand your customer’s needs. Not just that, it offers fast and accurate resolution using intent and sentiment recognition to improve user experience.

AI can’t replace humans. We get that. Our dynamic AI agents bring the best of human and AI intelligence to self-serve most queries and get live agents in the loop when needed. Not just a live agent handover, but an active learning loop across bots and humans. What does that leave you with? Happier customers and even happier employees.

Support your customers around the globe, across 35+ text & voice channels, in 135+ languages, 24×7. Want more? has tons of integrations to make your conversations comprehensive and productive, from day zero.

Turn your customer support from a cost center to a profit center

Our self-learning chatbots automate ~80% queries, leaving your live agents to only address critical requests. Cherry on top? With a self-learning loop, our bots proactively learn from the live agents.

Customer support doesn’t have to be a cost center anymore. With deep insights and analytics on customer intent and sentiment, support bots can help upsell to increase revenue.

Automatically understand your Customer Data Profile and personalize conversations, solutions and actions based on sentiment, intent and persona. Make magic with every conversation and make way to higher CSAT.

It isn’t magic, it’s AI with our proprietary
Natural Language Processing ‘brain’

Our Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) ‘brain’ engine compounds the self-learning of the voice and text chatbots through multi-factorial intent recognition, effective customer engagement and on-point resolution – all of it in real-time and with a 98% accuracy rate.

Want to know more about Witter


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