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Increase with conversion rate automated abandoned checkout reminders on WhatsApp with a 99% open rate

  • The user proceeds with the purchase but abandons the checkout
  • Receives a personalised abandoned checkout notification on WhatsApp with a discount code
  • Clicks on the button and completes the checkout

Improve retention with real-time alerts on order and shipping updates

  • A user completes the payments and the purchase on the store
  • Recievce order confirmation with an option to change the shipping address if required
  • Gets notified in case the order is shipped returned or canceled

Make the most of your team, Automate Frequently Asked Questions

  • The customer wants to track the order
  • The bot verifies the coustomer and asks for the order Number
  • The coustomer can enter the Number or choose from the order history
  • The bot sends the shipment details with the tracking URL

Convert social media followers to Customers

  • A shopper replies to the brand's instagram story
  • Receives prices products details with a link to buy via the bot
  • Clicks on the button and adds the products on the cart

Build with loyalty feedback and referrals

  • The store sends out a WhatApp notification to a customer to share their product experience with an option to refer a friend
  • The bot provides an exclusive discount code to the customer for a social media post
  • A unique referral code is generated with options to share it over WhatsApp and other social media platforms.

Manage all your customers in a oneview inbox without hopping across channels

  • Never miss an Instagram DM by queuing and replying to queries
  • Handle exchange and return queries from WhatsApp efficiently
  • Drive sales by answering their queries while they shop in your store
  • Turn your ad traffic to conversions by responding to their queries on FB messenger
  • Give your agents context by displaying the customer's order history along with the chat
  • Analyze conversations for Intents and sentiment