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Get a free WhatsApp Chat Button for your website.

  • Customise and create your WhatsApp Widget
  • Collect more information before the enquiry
  • Get more enquiries from your website visitors

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter

Why do you need WhatsApp automation & engagement for your business?


Average growth in
conversions on marketing


Open rate for notifications and promotions on WhatsApp


Average spike in resolved queries with WhatsApp automation


Higher count of leads captured with WhatsApp chatbots

How Witter WhatsApp solutions can help
grow your business

Leverage social commerce to sell your products directly on WhatsApp

Deliver an end-to-end shopping experience allowing the customers to check your products and add them to cart directly on WhatsApp, without taking them to any other link

Broadcast notifications to your customers & automate post-purchase queries

Use the WhatsApp business API to share updates and notifications with ready-made WhatsApp message templates that can be created in minutes

Use WhatsApp message templates to share payment confirmations, order status & more

Announce your sales and discount campaigns to your customers over WhatsApp, allowing you to drive more conversions, earn more revenue, and gain more value from your AI chatbot

Drive WhatsApp marketing campaigns with interactive buttons

You can send WhatsApp broadcasts to acquire more customers at a lower price than most other channels because of the higher engagement & conversion rates

An app that works for all Industries


Region - Global Functions : Order tracking, scheduling/rescheduling, seller queries and complaints


Recommend products to match user need. Use automation to answer any product or pricing queries. Capture leads and serve customers even when you are not awake

Financial Services

Help your customers find the right products and buy them on auto-pilot. Engage your community with tips and reminders for more repeat business

Information Technology

Acquire, engage, fulfill and re-target customers by sending custom notifications on multiple chat channels and SMS. Personalize customer experience using automation


Provide product recommendations, specifications and enable customers to buy using conversational automation across multiple chat channels


Run your practice from appoinments to consultations to prescriptions on auto-pilot. Engage with tips and reminders for a healthier and happier community


Showcase all your latest & the best designs to engage your customers & enable international orders to expand your customer base and reach

Real Estate

Enhance customer engagement, improve conversions, retain more, and drive sales. Leverage the power of automation for your business.


Enhance customer engagement, improve conversions, retain more, and drive sales. Leverage the power of automation for your business.


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