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Insurance Automation for Frictionless, Customer Experiences

From policy coverage inquiries, to filing claims, and everything in between, customers think digital first. Meet them where they are and upgrade the customer experience by integrating intelligent insurance chatbots into digital and voice channels for a self-service experience that increases member satisfaction and dramatically lowers operational costs.

Automate your business on WhatsApp with Witter


Insurance Queries Automation


Increased Policy Sales with Virtual Assistant


Increase in Customer Satisfaction


Decrease in Claims Processing time

Key Platform Features
for Insurance


Supports more than 24+ engagement channels

Video chat

Initiate video or voice call sessions with your Customers


Create and manage campaigns responses in realtime.

Live Agent

A single place to manage all your live conversations


Integrates with Stripe, Braintree, Razor Pay, PayTM

Customer Analytics

Witter can analyze digital behaviors to provide unique metrics, visualizations, and automated recommendations every team can use to increase revenue, drive engagement, and fuel growth

Message Broadcast

Send product promotions, surveys, new product announcements through Omnichannel broadcasting. The message when sent gets delivered to users in their respective channels.


Seamless integration with any Backend Insurance systems, CRM systems from any tech provider, through a SOAP, RESTful API and other integration methods on cloud-native architecture.

Trusted by 100+ businesses

Want to know more about Witter


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